Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Prague and Munich

Planes, trains and automobiles. Since Jess and I have started this three week whirlwind adventure, it seems as if we have employed practically every type of transportation. It's been fun being so spontaneous and not exactly knowing what each day brings. We've only booked our travels days before each destination and have certainly felt the pressure of it all. We feel like we're on the show The Amazing Race, where contestants race around the world completing challenges along the way and the most resourceful team ends up the winner. After this trip, Jess and I feel confident we'd win.

After a delayed flight from Paris, we arrived in Prague and mastered the public transportation system in the middle of the night to safely arrive at our hostel. We then spent three days touring around one of our new favorite European cities. Prague is beautiful, interesting, friendly, and in mid-January, FREEZING COLD. We are sure that Jess got minor frostbite on one of her toes. It probably didn't help that on one day we took a three hour outdoor tour of the city. and the next day hitched a ride with some Australians we met to a small town in Lord-knows-where, Czech Republic to see a church made partially of human bones. (Don't worry dad - we knew the Aussies a whole 12 hours before we got in a car with them! haha) The Aussies had been traveling Europe in a giant white, beat-up van with no heating. Of course, we got lost on the way, and then the van, surprisingly enough, broke down! We missed the bone church and to top it all off, Jess and I can honestly say that we have never been colder since we were forced to spend the whole day in below freezing temperatures. We finally made an executive decision and said our goodbyes to the Aussies and instead hopped on a train back to Prague. We are still not sure if they ever made it out with a fixed van. Oh well, I suppose that is the life of a backpacker!

Upon arriving back safely, we celebrated out final night in Prague by consuming one of our favorite meals this whole trip. Rightly coined 'The Feast', we ate a traditional Czech meal of potato and bread dumplings, pork, sausage, ham, more pork, cabbage, potato pancakes, and traditional Czech beer. Delicious. Also, if you are a vegetarian, dont go to Prague.

The next morning we had scheduled a bus for Munich and got to the bus station about a minute before departure. It was not our favorite moment. We are thinking of writing a letter to the City of Prague telling them to more clearly mark their bus stops!

After a short 5-hour bus ride, we got to Munich and had the whole day ahead of us. We met some more Australian friends at our hostel (we started to wonder if anyone else traveled around Europe this time of year...). We didn't know what to expect in Munich and after several peeks at the guidebook we still had no idea what exactly the city had to offer. A lady on the metro asked us what we were interested in and Jess quickly replied, FOOD! So we set out on a quest to find the traditional German bratwurst and beer. We found some at a famous Beer Hall where interestingly enough, Hitler made some of his first speeches. We also managed to see the Glockenspiel, some Biergartens, Englisher Garten (bigger than Central Park!), and the site of the Munich Olympic games - all in one day!

We then found some lats minute tickets on an overnight train to Rome where we got our best night's rest yet! We are not enjoying the 'Eternal City' and will post more later.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Today Jess and I leave Paris and fly to Prague, Czech Republic. Our time in Paris has been wonderful thanks to my friend Brian who has lived in Paris for two years and is currently a student at the American University in Paris. Jess and I had a free place to stay and plenty of free meals all thanks to the meal tickets Brian gets from his internship! We brought in the New Year at the Eiffel Tower, met lots of interesting people, and became well versed in the Parisian metro system.

I figured that many of French stereotypes would be refuted once I came here but surprisingly, some of them are actually true! Most Parisians only wear black and gray, and act very "cultured." Most smoke. Its funny. Needless to say, Jess and I felt very "American" here. We were tempted to order Freedom Fries instead of French Fries just to stick it to these Frenchies, but restrained. Just kidding, our experience in Paris was great!

We visited most of the main sites, and climbed the Arc d'Triomphe - twice! It was built to celebrate Napoleon's victories and was meant to welcome home the armies. We walked up the almost 300 step spiral staircase to the museum above, then saw people standing in line for an elevator. We figured that must be taking people to the very top, where you can look out onto the Champs d'Elysees, the most popular shopping district in Paris. To our surprise, the elevator actually took people all the way back down to the bottom! So we climbed all the way up again and finally got a fantastic view of Paris. We also went to the Louvre, but only saw the impressive outside since there were too many people inside that they actually museum closed! We did however visit the Musèe d'Orsay and instantly felt loads more cultured! Unfortunately the elevator to the top of the Eiffel Tower was closed as well but we were happy just to stand at the base and gawk at the impressive landmark.

Jess' trip was made one night while we were eating at a popular tourist restaurant in Paris - a place where they serve wine in baby bottles and diners eat delicious fondue. Jess spotted the actress Leighton Meester, a girl who stars in one of her favorite shows, Gossip Girl. Brian and I had absolutely no idea who this girl was, but perhaps if any of you readers know a 12 year-old girl they might give you some more information! (You can probably tell that we will never stop teasing Jess for this silly obsession!) Anyway, Jess got her picture taken with Leighton who by the way, was not very excited to meet a fan. Despite Leighton's disinterest in us, we were happy to act superior since we got a table at the restaurant and this actress was forced to wait outside! Attached is a picture of Jess with the actress.

That's about all for our time in Paris. I've been so blessed to be with a good friend from high school and one from college as it's nice to not always travel alone. Tonight we'll be in Prague for 4 days, then Munich for 2 nights, then back to Rome for 6 nights! What a whirlwind travel experience!

Au revoir!

Paris Photos